
Copy the following code in the entry point of your application for example: main.ts or main.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slmSelect from '';


📖 Implementation

Copy the following code in the entry point of your application for example: main.ts or main.js.

import 'slm-select/dist/slm-select.min.css'
import SlmSelect from 'slm-select'

Vue.use(SlmSelect, {
  applicationServer: 'the server of the SLM API from where your are trying to get the translations',
  applicationCode: 'your application code',
  fallbackLocale: 'your default locale',
  loadOnMount: 'by default is true'

Your entry point should look like this:

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import 'slm-select/dist/slm-select.min.css'
import SlmSelect from 'slm-select'

Vue.config.productionTip = false

Vue.use(SlmSelect, {
  applicationServer: 'the server of the SLM API from where your are trying to get the translations',
  applicationCode: 'your application code',
  fallbackLocale: 'your default locale'

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App),

🔥 Usage

In your vue template you need to put your key and label as you specified in SLM and the filter sx-translate

    <p>{{ "placeholder.value" | sx-translate }}</p>

To change the language globally, just add the slm-select component where you want


In the prototype $slmAdapter we have: setLanguage, getCurrentLocale