
Count the number of Single Lines of Code (SLOC)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slocCount from '';



This module is a very, very simple way to count the number of source lines as well as single line and block comments.

This module could probably use some sophistication.


npm install sloc-count


sloc-count(contents, [options, callback])


  • lineSeparator: The line separator (defaults to /r/n)
  • singleLineComment: The identifier for a single line comment (defaults to //)
  • blockCommentOpen: The identifier for the block comment open (defaults to /*)
  • blockCommentClose: The identifier for the block comment close (defaullts to */)

If the callback is omitted, the method returns the statistics.


Also see the example in the examples directory.

var slocCounter = require('sloc-count');

// Read a file from disk
var contents = require('fs').readFileSync('some-file.js', 'utf8');

// Now put them through the counter
slocCounter(contents, function(err, stats) {
    Stats contains something similar to this:
        total: 61,
        source: 49,
        singleLineComments: 1,
        blockComments: 1,
        empty: 8


  • 0.0.5 - 7 December 2015
    • Improved default options handling
  • 0.0.1 - 0.0.4 - 1 December 2015
    • (0.0.4) Added mocha tests
    • (0.0.3) Added support for several options
    • (0.0.2) Omitting a callback now returns the result directly
    • (0.0.1) Initial publish


Copyright 2015 Michiel van der Velde.

This software is licensed under the MIT License.