
Script for putting things in slots.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slotFinder from '';


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Script for putting things in slots

The slot-finding algorithm will try to place as many things into slots as it can without clashing (priority dictated by the order of the things array), and will try to put the things into their preferred slots (as dictated by the order of the slots array).

Any unfilled slots will retain the value you pass in.


type SlotNameType = string;
type ThingNameType = string;

type SlotsType = { [slot: SlotNameType]: any };

type ThingType = {
  name: ThingNameType,
  slots: Array<SlotNameType>,

type ThingsType = Array<ThingType>;

export default (slots: SlotsType, things: ThingsType) => { [slot: SlotNameType]: ThingNameType };


import slotFinder from 'slot-finder';

const slots = { left: null, right: null, center: null };

const things = [
  { name: 'first', slots: ['right'] },
  { name: 'second', slots: ['left', 'right'] },

const thingsInSlots = slotFinder(slots, things);

// -> { left: 'second', right: 'first', center: null }