
Use this cli utility to stitch together your game code and graphics into a slowbox cartridge file!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slowboxCartridgeBuilder from '';


slowbox cartridge builder utility (sbcb)

Use this cli utility to stitch together your game code and graphics into a slowbox cartridge file!

Work in progress

This basically does the job for now, will need to add a few things like better error handling and compatibility and stuff. For now, check out the examples! You can build them using this tool and then run them on your own slowbox machine!


node > 8.x


$ yarn global add slowbox-cartridge-builder
# or
$ npm i -g slowbox-cartridge-builder

This will install a global binary called slowbox-cartridge-builder and an alias with the name sbcb


$ sbcb --gfx path/to/gfx.png --code path/to/gamecode.js -o cartridge/outputpath


  • --gfx path to your png file which will be converted to JS and added to the cartridge
  • --code path to the js code for your game
  • -o output where the cartridge will be built to
  • -w (optional) watch the inputfile and rebuild cartridge on changes.


check out examples/simple-forest!

developing smallbox cartridges

TODO: document the API