
This library gives you shortcuts to develop Smart LemonPI Pixels. It also acts as an active value watcher, so you don't need to build in existence checks, or wrap timeouts and intervals.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slpHelper from '';


SLP Helper

This library will enable you to develop Smart LemonPI Pixels faster and more compact, by providing and supporting the most used scraper functionalities through window.slp.

Basic example (ES6)

  // Optional (but recommended) configuration
  config: {
    // Whitelist specific URLs using RegEx
    testUrl: /www\.example\.com/,

  // Data layer example
  id: () => window.dataLayer.filter(entry => entry.sku).pop().sku,

  // Will return the 3rd URL path segment, e.g. ""
  // (Omit this field to return "none")
  category: () => window.slp.getUrlPathSegment(2), // "bar"

  // Use function expressions to actively watch for value updates, and prevent any client-side errors
  title: () => document.querySelector('h1').textContent,

  // Omit the "clickUrl" field to return the current URL without query parameters or hash

  // No DOM existence checks needed, SLP Helper will re-attempt silently until a non-empty value is returned
  imageUrl: () => document.querySelector('img').src,

  // Example item availability check
  available: () => !!document.querySelector('.in-stock'),

  // Constants, update these to your settings
  advertiserId: 0,
  dynamicInputId: 0,

Advanced example (ES6)

  config: {
    testUrl: /www\.example\.com/,

    // Empty fields throw errors by default, these will be ignored
    optionalFields: ['logoUrl'],

    // Keep watching for value updates, and scrape every time there are changes
    watchChanges: true,

    // Not recommended, add "lemonpi_debug" somewhere in the query string or hash instead
    debug: true,

    // Optional hook before calling window.lemonpi.push
    beforePush: (result, done) => {
      // Do something with 'result' here, before dispatching it asynchronously through done()
      setTimeout(() => {
        result.custom4 = 'Example';
      }, 1000);

  // Omit the 'id' field if you want to auto-generate a unique hash based on all values below

  // Will return a URL query parameter, e.g. ""
  category: () => window.slp.getUrlQueryParameter('productCategory'), // "foo"

  // All values will be .trim()-med by default
  title: () => document.querySelector('h1').textContent,

  // Advanced usage of window.slp.getUrl()
  clickUrl: () => window.slp.getUrl({
    // Allow specified URL paramters to be added to the returned URL
    allowedParameters: ['productColor', 'productCategory'],

    // Add custom parameters to the URL
    customParameters: {
      foo: 'bar',

    // Allow the hash to be added to the returned URL
    allowHash: true,

  imageUrl: () => document.querySelector('img').src,

  // Defined as optional above, will continue to scrape without its existence
  logoUrl: () => document.querySelector('img.logo').src,

  // Constants
  advertiserId: 0,
  dynamicInputId: 0,

Configuration (config)

You can configure the way the SLP Helper will behave through the config object.

  • testUrl (RegEx) Pass a regular expression to test agains location.href. The SLP Helper won't scrape on fail.

  • optionalFields (Array) Pass an array of field names (strings) that may scrape empty or undefined. (Only applies to optional fields, see below)

  • watchChanges (Boolean, default: false) Set to true to expect value changes (multiple scrapes) throughout a single page visit. User input and/or asynchronous calls are the most common causes. (Will enforce true when longestViewed is set)

  • longestViewed (Boolean, default: false) Set to true to simulate a non-existing LemonPI business rule Longest viewed by user. This functionality is achieved by scraping every second a user is active on the page. This only works when used in conjunction with the Most viewed by user business rule in LemonPI Manage.

  • interval (Integer, default: 500) The amount of milliseconds of delay between value checks. (Will enforce 5000 when longestViewed is true)

  • debug (Boolean, default: false) Set to true to enforce console debugging. Not recommended, add lemonpi_debug somewhere in the query string instead.

  • beforePush (Function) Optional lifecycle hook to (asynchronously) alter the result object, before pushing it to LemonPI. Takes in result (Object) and done (Function) as arguments.

Public methods

  • window.slp.getUrl([Object]) Will return the current URL without query parameters and hash, and accepts optional configuration. See examples above for usage.

  • window.slp.getUrlPathSegment(Integer) Use this method to get a specific URL path segment (String). See examples above for usage.

  • window.slp.getUrlPathSegments() Use this method to get all URL path segments (Array).

  • window.slp.getUrlQueryParameter(String) This method will let you grab the value of a specific URL query parameter (String). See examples above for usage.

  • window.slp.getUrlQueryParameters() This method will let you grab all URL query parameters (Object).

  • window.slp.generateHash(String|Number|Array|Boolean|Object[, ...[, ...]]) Will return a unique string ([0-9-]) based on all JSON-friendly arguments passed.

  • window.slp.getBackgroundImageUrl(String) Returns the computed background image URL of a supplied element, or element selector.

  • window.slp.setCookie(String, String|Number|Array|Boolean|Object) Set a cookie (key, value). Values will be JSON stringified.

  • window.slp.getCookie(String) Get a cookie value by its key. Values will be JSON parsed.

  • window.slp.scrape(Object) Will perform window.lemonpi.push() when the output is considered valid.

LemonPI field defaults and value types


  • title (String)
  • imageUrl (String)
  • advertiserId (Integer)
  • dynamicInputId (Integer)

Default values

  • id (String, default: "91374653451044" [unique hash based on all field values] [values will be converted to [a-z0-9-]])
  • category (String, default: "none" [values will be converted to [a-z0-9-]])
  • clickUrl (String, default: "https://..." [current URL without parameters or hash])
  • available (Boolean, default: true)
  • type (String, default: "propSeen", other allowed values: "propInBasket", "propPurchased")


  • description (String)
  • logoUrl (String)
  • expiresOn (String)
  • priceNormal (String)
  • priceDiscount (String)
  • stickerText (String)
  • custom1 (String)
  • custom2 (String)
  • custom3 (String)
  • custom4 (String)