
This library gives default form control validations, so no need to write the code for default validations. you just need to import sls-default-controls library in your app.module.ts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slsDefaultControls from '';


Default Input-controls for Angular

This library gives default form control validations, so no need to write the code for default validations. you just need to import sls-default-controls library in your app.module.ts.

Online Demo


npm i sls-default-controls



import {SlsDefaultControlsModule} from 'sls-default-controls';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  ], ...


 <sls-form [formGroup]="registerForm" (onSubmit)="onSubmit($event)">
    // here sls-inputs


registerForm = new FormGroup({
    ... // formControls
    if(data){ // if form is valid then data returns json object of form values
        // your code


Attributes Descriptio
controlName (require) For the specify the formControl name
type For the specify the input type. and It's by default 'text'.
label For adding input box lable
inputclass For adding css class on input tag
required For the specify is input box is required or not. by default is true.
disable For the specify is input box is disable or not. by default is false.
readonly For the specify is input box is readonly or not. by default is false.
minLength For set min length of input value. By default it's 0.
maxLength For set max length of input value. By default it's 200.
min For require minimum number validation, and It's for only number type input
max For require maximum number validation, and It's for only number type input
pattern You can pass the custom pattern for input box and also set the custom pattern message by 'patternMsg'
placeholder For set input box placeholder
options It's For only select input type, you need to pass array or array of object.
dataTextField For specifying the Array object display key property.
dataValueField For specifying the Array object display value property.
confirmPasswordWith For this you can match the input with specify input form control.
patternMsg For display custom pattern message which for you pass pattern.
requiredMsg For display custom Required message.
lengthMsg For display Custom legnth message for minLenght and maxLenght.
minMaxMsg It's for number type form control. display custom the min max number message.
matchMsg For display custom message for Confirm password.
default For set Default value of number type form control.


Events Return
onblur $event
onchange $event
onfocus $event
onselect $event
onkeydown $event
onkeypress $event
onkeyup $event

sls-input types

  • text
  • password
  • number
  • email
  • tel
  • select



<sls-form [formGroup]="registerForm" (onSubmit)="onSubmit($event)">
<div class="row">
  <sls-input  class="col-6" label="First name" inputclass="form-control"

  <sls-input class="col-6" label="Last name" inputclass="form-control"
  <sls-input type="email" class="col-6" inputclass="form-control"  label="Email" placeholder="Enter email address" 
  <sls-input class="col-6" type="password" inputclass="form-control" label="Password" 

  <sls-input class="col-6" type="password" inputclass="form-control" label="Confirm Password" 

  <sls-input type="tel"  inputclass="form-control" label="Mobile no" requireMsg="Please enter Mobile number."
  class="col-6" controlName="mobile"></sls-input>

  <sls-input  type="number" class="col-6" inputclass="form-control" label="Age" [default]="30" [min]="18" [max]="55" 
  controlName="age"> </sls-input>
  <sls-input type="select" label="City" class="col-6"  (onselect)="select($event)" placeholder="Select City"  controlName="city" inputclass="form-select"  [options]="cityList" dataValueField="value" dataTextField="key"></sls-input>

  <sls-input type="select" class="col-6 mt-4" (onselect)="select($event)"  placeholder="Select Contry"  controlName="contry" inputclass="form-select"  [options]="contryList"></sls-input>

  <sls-input class="col-6"  inputclass="form-control" controlName="profileUrl" label="Profile Url" [pattern]="urlreg" patternMsg="Please enter valid profile URL."></sls-input>

  <button class="btn btn-primary mt-3" type="submit">Submit</button>


urlreg = '(https?://)?([\\da-z.-]+)\\.([a-z.]{2,6})[/\\w .-]*/?';
registerForm = new FormGroup({
    firstname: new FormControl(),
    lastName: new FormControl(),
    email: new FormControl(),
    password: new FormControl(),
    confirmpassword: new FormControl(),
    age: new FormControl(),
    mobile: new FormControl(),
    city : new FormControl(),
    contry : new FormControl(),
    profileUrl : new FormControl()
 contryList = ["India","USA","UK"];
 cityList = [
   {key:'Ahemdabad', value:'ahemdabad'},
   {key:'Baroda', value:'baroda'},
   {key:'Anand', value:'anand'},
   {key:'Nadiad', value:'nadiad'},
 onSubmit(data : any){
        console.log('Submited data :',data);
  blur(data : any){
    console.log("blur : ",data);
    console.log("change : ",data);
    console.log("focus : ",data);
    console.log("keydown : ",data);
    console.log("keypress : ",data);
    console.log("keyup : ",data);
    console.log("select : ",data);