slspress test
A collection of useful testing utilities to aid in the testing of serverless projects.
Use this to start and stop Serverless Offline instances from your tests. This allows you to run integration tests against a local version of your code using Serverless Offline. Both your serverless code and tests will run in the same node process making debugging a bit easier and as you write plain mocha tests IDEs with Mocha support integrate well.
Example using ServerlessOfflineManager with chai and request to test an endpoint. The global before and after functions will start and stop a serverless application in the current working directory prior to and after running all of your tests.
const OfflineManager = require('slspress-test').ServerlessOfflineManager;
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const request = require('request-promise-native');
describe('Integration Test', function() {
this.timeout(1000 * 10);
const offlineManager = new OfflineManager();
let testUrl = null;
before(() => offlineManager.start(environment).then(url => testUrl = url));
after(() => offlineManager.stop());
it('tests something', function () {
return request(`${testUrl}/some/url`)
.then(body => expect(body).to.equal('Something'));
Passing properties
You can pass properties to serverless offline by adding a constructor argument. For example if the application
you wish to test is not in the working directory you could do something like this new OfflineManager({ serverless: { servicePath: __dirname + '/your-app' }})