A web module bounder.
const sluePack = require('slue-pack');
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
// the map of package name and it's entry file
entry: {
app: './test/app.js'
// output of slue
output: {
// the root path of your output files
root: path.resolve(__dirname, './dev'),
// path of js files(relative to root)
jsPath: './',
// other files path(relative to root)
staticPath: './dev/static/',
// if entry has many files, the common module pkg name, can be one of the entry
commonPkgName: 'app'
// external global variables
externals: {
'react': 'React'
// when exclude return true, the required module will be ignore
exclude: function(opts) {
return opts.moduleId == 'xxx';
watch: true,
// create sourceMap when sourceMap is true, default false
sourceMap: true,
// compile environment,development or production
mode: 'production',
// the type of output files.
module: 'cmd',
// alias make module require shorter
alias: {
components: path.join(__dirname, './components')
// extension, used to compile the type of file which
plugins: [{
exts: ['.js'], // files ext names
use: [getOnePlugin, getOnePlugin] // plugins list