sluglife (■_■¬)
slugifies string. Handles, unicode, multi-language characters, currency symbols, and more!
Make strings url-safe.
- respecting RFC 3986
- Comprehensive tests
- Coerces foreign symbols to their english equivalent
npm install sluglife
var slug = require('sluglife')
slug('i ♥ unicode') === 'i-love-unicode';
slug('unicode ♥ is ☢') === 'unicode-love-is-radioactive';
slug('i ♥ unicode', {'replacement': '_'}) === 'i_love_unicode';
slug('I ♥ UNICODE', {'charMap': {'♥': 'freaking love'}}) === 'I-freaking-love-UNICODE';
slug('☏-Number', {lower: true}) === 'telephone-number';
slug('i <3 unicode') === 'i-love-unicode';
slug('string', {
replacement: '-', // space separator replacement character
replaceSymbols: true, // replace unicode symbols or not
remove: null, // regex to remove characters that match (see 'pretty' definition)
lower: true, // lower case all letters in slug
charmap: slug.charmap, // replace special characters
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap // replace multi-characters
There are two default setting groups. The default mode is 'pretty'
slug('Hello There World.', {'mode': 'rfc3986'}) === 'hello-there-world.';
slug('Hello There World.', {'mode': 'pretty'}) === 'Hello-There-World';
The default setting groups are defined below.
slug.defaults.modes['rfc3986'] = {
replacement: '-',
replaceSymbols: true,
remove: null,
lower: true,
charmap: slug.charmap,
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap
slug.defaults.modes['pretty'] = {
replacement: '-',
replaceSymbols: true,
remove: /[.]/g,
lower: false,
charmap: slug.charmap,
multicharmap: slug.multicharmap