A slush generator for AngularJS using the Google Angular App Structure Recommendations
Install slush-angular
npm install -g slush-angular
Remember to install slush
globally as well, if you haven't already:
npm install -g slush
Create a new folder for your project:
mkdir my-angular-app
Run the generator from within the new folder:
cd my-angular-app
slush angular
You will now be prompted to give your new AngularJS app a name, which will be dasherized and used in its bower.json
and package.json
respectively. The chosen name will be camelized and used as the main angular module as well, inside src/app/app.js
CSS Preprocessor
You can choose between LESS
, Stylus
, and Sass
to use as the CSS Preprocessor for your project.
Note All _*.styl
, _*.less
, or _*.scss
files will be considered "partials" and must be imported in another stylesheet file (without a leading "_") to be compiled.
Project structure
You will also have the option to generate a simple Todo list app in your project as well, to be used as a live example of how to structure your app.
The project structure with the Todo list example included will look like this:
├── .bowerrc
├── .csslintrc
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── .jshintrc
├── bower.json
├── gulpfile.js # See "Gulpfile" below
├── karma.conf.js
├── package.json
└── src
└── app
├── app.js # Main app module and configuration
├── app.styl/less/scss # Main app stylesheet
├── index.html # The index.html / app layout template
├── assets # A folder meant for images and such...
│ └── .gitkeep
├── styles
│ └── _base.styl/less/scss # A stylesheet partial with base styles
└── todo
├── todo-controller.js # The todo controller
├── todo-controller_test.js # Karma test for the todo controller
├── todo.html # The todo list template
├── todo.js # The todo module
└── todo.styl/less/scss # Todo module specific styles
To start developing in your new generated project run:
gulp serve
Then head to http://localhost:3000
in your browser.
The serve
tasks starts a static file server, which serves your AngularJS application, and a watch task which watches your files for changes and lints, builds and injects them into your index.html accordingly.
To run tests run:
gulp test
Production ready build - a.k.a. dist
To make the app ready for deploy to production run:
gulp dist
Now you have a ./dist
folder with all your scripts and stylesheets concatenated and minified, also third party libraries installed with bower will be concatenated and minified into vendors.min.js
and vendors.min.css
See releases.