A Angular JS project
Get Started
To generate a new project:
npm install -g slush slush-angular-jkr
slush angular-jkr
After generate a new project
npm install
bower update
Run a webserver (open a new terminal tab):
gulp server
Watch changes (open a new terminal tab):
gulp watch
Test Server (open a new terminal tab):
gulp test
Building your project
Generate folder build
gulp build
gulp server-build
- Ruby & Ruby on Rails (Language and powerfull framework)
- NodeJS (Javascript runtime server)
- Bower (Node module for manage dependencies)
- Gulp (Node module for task automation)
- Jade (Language extension for html)
- Sass (Language extension for css)
- Coffeescript (Language extension for js)
- Karma (testing runner)
- Jasmine (testing language)
Installing on Windows
Recommend to use Cmder instead Windows Command Line:
- Install Ruby on Rails and Utilities:
- Install Node:
- Install Sass:
gem install sass
- Install Jade:
gem install jade
- Install All node modules:
npm install -g bower gulp karma jasmine coffee-script node-gyp
Installing on OSX
- Install Homebrew:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install RVM:
brew install rvm
- Install Node:
brew install node
- Install GIT:
brew install git
- Install Ruby:
rmv install ruby 2.2.0
- Install Rails:
gem install rails
- Install Sass:
gem install sass
- Install Jade:
gem install jade
- Install All node modules:
npm install -g bower gulp karma jasmine coffee-script node-gyp