
Banner scaffolding tool

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushBannerTool from '';



Getting started

  • Install global dependencies:
npm install -g gulp slush
  • Install generator:
npm install -g slush-banner-tool


  • Create a new folder for your banner and cd into it:
mkdir my-banner && cd $_
  • Run the generator and answer the questions:
slush banner-tool

Local development


  • To test the generator locally run:
npm link


  • To publish a new version of the generator to NPM run:
npm publish

Lodash templating

The tool uses gulp-template to precompile lodash templates. However, the generated Gulp tasks also use this module. To prevent conflict, two different interpolation regexs are used:

  • <% %> (default) is used by the Slush generator
  • ${ } (ES6-style) is used by the generated Gulp tasks

See the lodash docs for more info.