
A slush generator for express apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushExpressIsinn from '';


Slush Express Generator

What's included:

  • Gulp (obviously)
  • Browserify
  • Express
  • Stylus (with Nib, Jeet & Rupture)
  • Jade
  • Jshint
  • Font Awesome


Make sure you already have Slush installed, then:j

npm install -g slush-express-isinn

Generate a project base

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
slush express-iansinnott

After you go through the prompts and everything has been installed simply run gulp to fire things up:


This starts a server running on localhost:3000. Stylus, Jade and JavaScript files will all be watched and their respective gulp tasks will be run when they're changed.

Project Structure

Write this...

Gulp tasks

The gulp structure for this project may be different than what you're used to. It's built in a modular fashion to avoid one large, unmaintainable Gulpfile. For more information on this specific implementation see this great blogpost.


  • Logging: Borrow from the official express generator to implement a logging solution.
  • Production Server: Write bin/www, which is currently blank.
  • Express Middleware: Add common express modules such as body parser, favicon, method override, etc.
  • Testing