
Start a new Javascript library in a instant

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushJslib from '';


Slush Generator for Javascript libs

Start a new Javascript library in a instant


npm install -g slush slush-jslib

Start a new project

Open your terminal and go to a folder where you want to create the project

mkdir mylib
cd mylib
slush jslib

Follow the generator questions. After that, run npm install to get the required build packages


On a terminal, open the folder where the library was started and run make tdd

  • Put your tests into /test. Each spec should be named name-of-your-class.spec.js
  • Put the source into /src

On two separated terminals, run make watch to autobuild the source and make tdd to run the tests when a change is saved.


Once you have a working library, run make bundle to generate your library's code, including a minifed version on "dist" folder.

Add everything to a git repo and publish it to your DVCS of choice, like GitHub.

Don't forget npm publish and/or bower publish if you are planning to release the library to the public.

Happy coding!