
A slush generator for java library project, hosted on github, build with gradle and published to bintray

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushLibJava from '';


Java library slush generator

Gitter License NPM version Downloads


Use yeoman generator instead: migration guide


The main goal is to simplify new github java library setup. Simplifies build upgrade (especially if there are many repositories).


  • MIT license (hardcoded)
  • Gradle build (with support of optional and provided dependencies)
  • Maven central compatible artifacts (jar, sources, javadocs)
  • Ready for spock tests (documentation)
  • Bintray publication (+ jars signing and maven central publishing)
  • Travis-ci integration (CI and healthy badge)
  • Coveralls integration (code coverage badge)
  • Target jdk compatibility check with animal sniffer (project configured for 1.6 compatibility, while you may use any jdk to build)
  • Code quality checks (pmd, checkstyle, findbugs)
  • Release process (like maven release)

Note: checkstyle 6.2 requires jdk7 or above, so if you use quality checks you will have to use jdk7 or above for build.

The story behind

Thanks to


Install slush:

$ npm install -g slush

Install slush-lib-java globally:

$ npm install -g slush-lib-java

You can check currently installed generator version using:

$ slush --help

It will print all installed generators with versions

To update lib use:

$ npm update -g slush-lib-java

Bintray setup

Sign up to bintray. You will need to create maven repository to package artifacts to (it's name is one of generator questions).

When you publish you package (release library), you can use it directly from your custom maven repository. Better option is to request inclusion into jcenter repository (maven central alternative). Also, you can publish your library to maven central. Project already generates valid artifacts for maven central, but they also must be signed. If you register certificate on bintray, it will be able to sign files for you.

Read instruction

Add bintray user and key to ~/.gradle/


If you will use automatic maven central publishing add:



General convention: project name == github project name == bintray package page

Create new folder for library:

$ mkdir my-library

Run generator:

$ cd my-library && slush lib-java

Project setup ready, start coding!

Build upgrade

When launched on already generated project it works in update mode: in this case all changed files replacement will be asked. If java sources directory exist, default package would not be generated. Also some files (like readme, changelog, etc) will not be updated (because they usually should not be updated after generation): it reduces number of override confirm questions.

Start it without local changes and after generation look git changes and correct (usually only main build.gradle requires modifications after update).

Update mode greatly simplifies maintaining single build in many repositories and reduce errors possibility (before it it was so easy to forget to update something).

Generator defaults

Some generator questions most likely will not change between your libraries (author, email, github user, bintray repo). You can specify defaults in ~/.generator file.


libGroup =
libPackage = my.default.package
authorName = My Name
authorEmail =
userName = githubNick
bintrayUser = bintrayUserName
libRepo = bintrayRepoName
bintraySignFiles = no
mavenCentralSync = no
enableQualityChecks = yes

For boolean properties yes is recognized and everything else will be parsed as no

Project usage

$ gradlew check

Runs code quality plugins. If quality checks were activated (asked during generation) do check before pushing to avoid build failures on travis. Moreover, it's easy to always keep everything clean instead of doing it before release.

$ gradlew checkOutOfDate

Checks if your project dependencies are actual and prints versions analysis report to console.

$ gradlew showDependenciesTree

Generates dependencies html report and launch it in default browser. To analyze conflicts, click on dependency name to activate dependencyInsight popup.

$ gradlew install

Installs library to local maven repository. Useful for referencing by other projects (for testing without releasing library).

$ gradlew release

Releases library. Read release process section below before performing first release.

Optional dependencies

Optional and provided dependencies could be defined, for example:

provided ''


optional ''

In generated pom these dependencies will be defined as provided or optional, but for gradle build it's the same as declaring them in compile scope.

jsr305 provided dependency is defined by default in generated project (useful to guide firebug).

Scala note: The Scala compiler, unlike the Java compiler, requires that annotations used by a library be available when compiling against that library. If your library users will compile with Scala, they must declare a dependency on JSR-305 jar.

Project details

All project specific data (mostly inserted with generator) is in build.gradle file. project.ext section contains configuration objects definitions. These definitions are extended using conventions (see github.gradle, bintray.gradle)

Used gradle plugins:

Java compatibility

By default project configured for java 6 compatibility (see build config section):

    build = {
        gradle = 2.1
        java = 1.6
        signature = 'org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java16-sun:+@signature'

java option defines target and source java compiler options.

signature defines animal sniffer signature to check. With it you can use any jdk while developing and if you accidentally use newer api than defined in signature it will warn you on compilation. You can find other signatures in maven central. To switch off animal sniffer check simply set signature value to ''

Known issue: sometimes gradle build failed on animal sniffer task with generic error. In this case simply execute gradle clean and issue will be resolved (issue occur because of IDE).


Travis configured to automatically set execution flag on gradlew shell script. If you still want to set it manually on windows use git (not required anymore):

$ git update-index --chmod=+x gradlew
$ git commit -m "Changing file permissions"
$ git push

External services

Create github repo matching your library name and push project there.

In github project settings go to Webhooks & services and add travis-ci service.

Go to travis and enable your repo.

Go to coveralls and enable your repo.

Bintray and maven central badges are generated in readme, but commented (uncomment before release).


Gitter is a chat room for your repository. Most likely, with it you will get much more feedback (something people will never post as issue or write by email).

Gitter badge is not generated automatically, because it's not required as other services and it's too easy to add at any time. Look it and decide if you need it.

NOTE: gitter badge contains space: Chat.svg. It's ok for github, but bintray will not handle it. To fix it replace space:

Quality tools


By default, checkstyle configured with simplified checks file. Modify it according to your needs. Sun conventions file is also provided as reference (see gradle/config/checkstyle/sun_checks.xml). You can replace default file in quality.gradle.

To suppress checkstyle warnings (required for some exceptional cases) use @SuppressWarnings annotation with value composed as checkstyle: prefix and lowercased checkstyle check name:


To suppress all checkstyle checks in class comments syntax could be used before class:


Also, use checkstyle plugin for your IDE (for example, CheckStyle-IDEA for idea) and set your checkstyle configuration for plugin. This way you will see issues quicker and will have to do less cleanups before commit (where you will call quality checks).


To suppress PMD violation use (in case PMD makes a mistake):


To suppress all PMD checks in class:


Pmd configuration file: gradle/config/pmd/pmd.xml


To suppress findbugs warnings you can use exclusion filter (gradle/config/findbugs/exclude.xml). Findbug does not support @SuppressWarnings, instead you can use it's own @SuppressFBWarnings (but you will have to add dependency for annotations '')

You may face issue with guava functions or predicates:

input must be nonnull but is marked as nullable [NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_NULLABLE]

The reason for this is that guava use @Nullable annotation, which is @Inherited, so even if you not set annotation on your own function or predicate it will still be visible,

The simplest workaround is to set @Nonnull annotaion (from jsr305 jar included by default) on your function or predicate:

public boolean apply(@Nonnull final Object input) {

Also, it's good idea to use jsr305 annotations to guide findbugs.

Release process

First release

The following steps must be performed only before first library release.

Due to known issue in bintray plugin, first upload will fail if package not yet exist. So either create package manually or call:

$ gradlew bintrayUpload

To create package on bintray (it will fail but it's ok - package should be created).

Current bintray rest api did not allow to link github readme and changelog file automatically. So you will have to go to your package page and edit package: fill in github repository name (user/repo-name) and the name of changes file ( After that click on 'readme' tab on package page and select 'github page'. Do the same on 'release notes' tab.

After actual release press 'add to jcenter' button to request jcenter linking (required for maven central publication and even if you dont want to sync to maven central, linking to jcenter will simplify library usage for end users)

When releasing first time it's better to do

$ gradlew install 

And validate generated pom file and jars (in local maven repository ~/.m2/repository/..).

NOTE: Release plugin requires access to git repository without credentials, so it's better to allow storing credentials when using git console. Windows users with sysgit 1.8.1 and up could use:

$ git config --global credential.helper wincred

To avoid problems.

Bintray and maven central badges are commented in readme - uncomment them (remove maven badge if not going to publish there)

General release process


Push all changes before release and wait for travis to check build (wait for green badge).

Perform release:

$ gradlew release

Release will check that current copy is actual: no uncommitted/unversioned/unpushed changes, nothing newer is in remote repository. You can start releasing either from snapshot version (1.0.0-SNAPSHOT) or from normal one (1.0.0).

During release, plugin will create tag (new github release appear) and update version in

NOTE: Sometimes release plugin did not set 'SNAPSHOT' postfix to new version.

Maven synchronization may be triggered during release. If you didn't configure it, you may still use bintray ui for synchronization. Usually synchronization works well, but sometimes it fails with strange errors (something like not able to close repository) - simply do sync one more time (eventually it will do it (of course, if your files valid))

If release failed

Nothing bad could happen.

If bintray upload failed, you can always upload one more time. If you uploaded bad version and want to re-release it, simply remove version files on bintray package version page and re-do release.

If release failed, but plugin already commit new version - you can release again from this state (no need to revert).

Release plugin changes only version in and creates git tag. Version could be reverted manually (by correcting file) and git tag could be also removed like this:

git tag -d release01 
git push origin :refs/tags/release01 


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