
A template for writing es6 modules without checking in compiled source. The module will be initialized with a browser key, and a browserify transfrom for webpack and browserify compatibility, and can be directly required from node without the need for a transform. These modules can be consumed by any node or browserify. For use with webpack, the webpack config must specify how to load files with .es6 and/or .jsx extensions. Using slush raw-es6:app will generate a webpack.config.js file that includes the necessary loader.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushRawEs6 from '';


slush slush-raw-es6

A template for writing es6 modules without checking in compiled source. The module will be initialized with a browser key, and a browserify transfrom for webpack and browserify compatibility, and can be directly required from node without the need for a transform. These modules can be consumed by any node or browserify. For use with webpack, the webpack config must specify how to load files with .es6 and/or .jsx extensions. Using slush raw-es6:app will generate a webpack.config.js file that includes the necessary loader.


npm install -g slush slush-raw-es6


To generate an raw-es6 module:

slush raw-es6:module

To generate an app that consumes an es6 module that works with node, browserify and webpack

slush raw-es6:app
