
Slush generator for sequelize migrations, a la Rails

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushSequelize from '';



Slush generator for sequelize migrations, a la Rails



module.exports = {
  'migrations-path': 'db/migrate'


# Generate migration to create a users table
$ slush sequelize:migration CreateUsers name:string email isAdmin:boolean


sequelize:migration <command> <attributes>


The command to generate, this includes the name of the migration and the table name.


One or more <attribute> separated by spaces.


The attribute name and type separated by a colon. E.g. firstName:string, isAdmin:boolean


Create*<table>* <attributes>

Generate migration to create a new table.
Example: CreateUsers name:string email:string isAdmin:boolean


Generate migration to drop an existing table.
Examples: DropUsers

Add*<keyword>To<table>* <columns>

Generate a migration to add columns to an existing table. The <keyword> is only used to give a name to the migration file.
Example: AddMembershipStateToUsers isActive:boolean activatedOn:datetime deactivatedOn:datetime

Remove*<keyword>From<table>* <columns>

Generate a migration to remove columns from an existing table. The <keyword> is only used to give a name to the migration file.
Example: RemoveMembershipStateToUsers isActive:boolean activatedOn:datetime deactivatedOn:datetime

Add*<indextype>IndexTo<table>* <columns>

Generate a migration to add an index with a given type to an existing table associated with given columns. The supported index types.
Examples: AddUniqueIndexToUsers email, AddIndexToUsers firstName lastName

RemoveIndexFrom*<table>* <columns>

Generate a migration to remove an index from the "users" table associated with the email column.
Example: RemoveUniqueIndexFromUsers email



Type: string

Use .sequelizerc file to configure a custom migrations path, default path is ./migrations;