
A simplified approach for developers to integrate slydpay payment gateway api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slydpayMantis from '';



***npm install slydpay_simplified

## How to use
let slypay_mantis = require('slydpay_mantis');


this uses the required data object below as it parameter to automate payment with the slydpay api

Parameter Object

let data = {
    payment_method: 'string',//Service provider eg: ["VODAFONE_CASH", "AIRTEL_MONEY", "MTN_MONEY", "VODAFONE_CASH_PROMPT"];
    payment_type: 'string',//payment type, optional
    amount: 'string', //amount paying
    product_id: 'string',// product id
    payment_desc: 'string',//payment description
    customerName: 'string',//customer name,
    phone_number: 'string',//customer phone,
    values: {
        emailOrMobileNumber: 'string', //slydpay email
        merchantKey: 'string', //slydpay merchant key
    callback_url: 'http://xxxx'// url to send payment info to when process is completed

Callback url

The callback url you will provide will be the url to listen and receive payment info.

Sample payment object to be sent to your callback;

data to callback:  {
  phone_number: '024xxxxxxx',
  amount: '0.01',
  date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.017Z,
  time: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.017Z',
  provider: 'MTN_MONEY',
  reference: 'TKNavpBT8zjjS',
  status: 'CONFIRMED',
  product_id: 'sldhfakshdfheiwuyiurypwqeruiweqio'

then you decide in your callback request function what to do with the payment object received.