
A smart, light-weight and flexible slider, that's fully featured and mobile-ready.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slydr from '';



new Slydr(container, settings)

A smart, lightweight and flexible slider, that's fully featured, responsive and mobile-ready. (Formerly sGlide)


Modular static

import { Slydr } from './source/slydr.min.js';

Modular dynamic

import('./source/slydr.min.js').then(module => new module.Slydr());


All settings with their default values. Visit home page for detailed breakdown.

    "start-at": 0,
    "image": "",
    "height": 40,
    "width": 100,
    "unit": "%",
    "color-shift": false,
    "disabled": false,
    "vertical": false,
    "no-handle": false,
    "buttons": false,
    "retina": false,
    "custom-range": [0, 0],
    "key-control": false,
    "flag": false,
    "snap": {
        "marks": false,
        "type": false,
        "points": 0,
        "sensitivity": 2


Styles have been separated from the logic, so a stylesheet is a virtual requirement for proper display. Edit at your whim.



Fire callbacks at specific internal events using chainable on proto method. mySlydr.on("drag", func)

Type Description
ready Fire an event on instance readiness. Receives nothing.
drop Fire an event on handle drop. Receives an argument containing slider data.
drag Fire an event on handle drag. Receives an argument containing slider data.
snap Fire an event on handle snap. Receives an argument containing slider data.
button-press Fire an event clicking or holding one of the −/+ buttons. Returns an object containing slider data. Requires buttons.


Name Description
Slydr.entries An array of instances. Quick-access meta information.
prototype.destroy() Destroy the instance.
instance.reset() Destroys then rebuilds the slider instance.