
The daterangepicker component of the bootstrap:, in directive for use with the angular.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smDaterangepicker from '';


sm-daterangepicker - AngularJS (directive)

The daterangepicker component of bootstrap:, as directive for use with AngularJS.



npm install --save sm-daterangepicker

Attention You have imported the bootstrap css into the project so that the date component is rendered correctly.


Add in the module of your application:

require("sm-daterangepicker"); //return module name
angular.module("yourModuleName", ["sm-daterangepicker"]);
angular.module("yourModuleName", [require("sm-daterangepicker")]);

After adding, just use the policy as follows:

<input type="text" ng-model="yourVariable" sm-daterangepicker>


To get the beginning and end date, just get the date of the object in the model, formatted like this:

    startDate: [object Moment],
    endDate: [object Moment]


Available Attributes

Attribute Type Description
env String Pass this attribute with "DEV", and soon the component will log everything that is changed. (It receives by default "PROD", however it picks up from node.js if it is "DEV")
locale Object Definition of the translation, if you do not have in the project the angular provider translate. (If no translation is passed it assigns by default the English language.)
date-time String Accepts values 24h or 12h, to indicate the format, when declared displays in the input the time.
year Date/Moment It receives only a date, and it makes a limit of the beginning of the year until the end of the year, that contains in her. (When passed this parameter it ignores the minimum and maximum date)
start-date Date/Moment Sets the selected start date.
end-date Date/Moment Set as the preset end date.
min-date Date/Moment Sets the minimum date.
max-date Date/Moment Sets the maximum deadline.
date-limit String Limits a range by days, months, years, or hours, minutes, and seconds.
onshow Function Triggered when the calendar is shown.
onhide Function Triggered when the calendar is closed.
onapply Function Triggered when the apply button is clicked, or when a predefined interval is clicked.
oncancel Function Triggered when the cancel button is clicked.
suffix-translation String Namespace used in the translation provider's rendering file translate.

Run-time update

Variables of minimum, maximum, beginning, end, and year can all be changed at runtime, and the date component has already adapted to change.


Note: There are two ways to translate the daterangepicker, one is passing the locale attribute, with the following object:

Attribute locale

$scope.localeObject = {
    format: "MM/DD/YYYY H:mm",
    separator: " -- ",
    applyLabel: "Apply",
    cancelLabel: "Cancel",
    fromLabel: "From",
    toLabel: "To",
    customRangeLabel: "Custom",
    daysOfWeek: [   
    monthNames: [   
    firstDay: "1"
<input type="text" locale="localeObject" sm-daterangepicker>

Another way to do translation that is more efficient by supporting multiple languages and changing at runtime is by working with the provider angular translate.

Angular translate

To better understand what I am explaining below, read about the angular translate.

Namespace (Optional): <input type="text" suffix-translation="NAMESPACE" sm-daterangepicker>



    "FORMAT": "MM/DD/YYYY H:mm",
    "SEPARATOR": " -- ",
    "APPLYLABEL": "Apply",
    "CANCELLABEL": "Cancel",
    "FROMLABEL": "From",
    "TOLABEL": "To",
        "SU": "Su",
        "MO": "Mo",
        "TU": "Tu",
        "WE": "We",
        "TH": "Th",
        "FR": "Fr",
        "SA": "Sa"
        "JANUARY": "January",
        "FEBRUARY": "February",
        "MARCH": "March",
        "APRIL": "April",
        "MAY": "May",
        "JUNE": "June",
        "JULY": "July",
        "AUGUST": "August",
        "SEPTEMBER": "September",
        "OCTOBER": "October",
        "NOVEMBER": "November",
        "DECEMBER": "December"
    "FIRSTDAY": "1"

Date limit

Using the date-limit attribute is not that complicated, what it does just, is to make a limit of the date selected from the limited range, just pass it the following:

<input type="text" date-limit="parameter:value" sm-daterangepicker>
//Supported parameters: days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds.
//For more than one parameter passed, separate them with a comma.
//Example: parameter:value,parameter:value...

Read in another language

Clique aqui e leia em português


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