
This project created to support server-side pagination. once your api response is paginationed, this package once called allows you to make calls to the backend with page parameters.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smServerPagination from '';


Angular Pagination

This project created to support server-side pagination. once your api response is paginationed, this package once called allows you to make calls to the backend with page parameters.

How it works

  • Install the package

  • Import it to your module app.module.ts

This enables you to call this package anywhere in your angular application.

Use this way

<sm-server-pagination [pageSettings]="pageSettings" [pageSize]="pageSize" [page]="page" (paginationOutput)="setNewPage($event)" (dataToShow)="showMoreData($event)"></sm-server-pagination>

Set Your parameters

Lets take this as a sample response from an endpoint

page_info: {page: 0, limit: 10, total: 27, total_pages: 3} users: [{id: 256, first_name: "", last_name: "", phone_number: "07034137663"}]

const pageSettings = page_info // this is the page_info object reutned from the API 
const pageSize = 10 // This is basically your page limit, could be any value 
const page = // This is the current page

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.