This is the command-line client to expresscion, the SCXML orchestration server.
npm install -g expresscion smaas-cli
First, start expresscion:
expresscion [index.scxml]
Then you can use the CLI:
Usage: smaas-cli [options] [command]
create <path> Create an scxml file on given path
cat <InstanceId> Get details of a statechart or an instance
ls Get list of all statechart definitions or instances
run [-n InstanceId] Create an instance with the statechart definition.
send <InstanceId> <eventName> [eventData] Send an event to a statechart instance.
interact <InstanceId> Start REPL interface to send events to a statechart instance.
rm <InstanceId> Remove a statechart or an instance.
subscribe <InstanceId> Listen to changes on a statechart or an instance.
viz [-b] <InstanceId> Open visualization of the statechart or realtime visualization of the instance.
log <InstanceId> Get all events of the instance.
help Print out help
* Print out help
-h, --help output usage information
Remote client
SMaaS-CLI can interact with SMaaS servers deployed to the cloud, e.g.
smaas-cli -H ls