
A hacky code that allows getting test case names from Jest / Jasmine tests.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smackMyJasmineUp from '';


License: WTFPL Build status

What is this?

This is a very hacky solution to this issue on Jasmine's GitHub.

Jasmine's devs did a tremendous job making it difficult to get any information about the current test execution environment. In my opinion, this is a design flaw.

Please use it with care and good intentions.

How does it work?

  1. it is overriden like in Pyrolistical's comment
  2. spec's description getter is overriden to assign the spec to an outside scope
  3. when getCurrentSpec is called from within a test case, we try running it of the current's environment
  4. this throws an error because we are already in a test case
  5. spec's description is used to build the error message - our overridden getter is called
  6. finally, current spec is returned from the outside context

How do I use it?

Unit testing

First, add the project as a test dependency in package.json file:

"devDependencies": {
    "smack-my-jasmine-up": "^0.0.5"

Next, import JasmineSmacker in your test file (or any class that runs within a test):

const JasmineSmacker = require('smack-my-jasmine-up');

Finally, fetch the test case's name and use it for whatever reason:

const currentTestName = JasmineSmacker.getCurrentTestName();
if (currentTestName !== undefined) {
    console.log(`cool, we are within ${currentTestName}!`)

Contribution guidelines

All I ask for is tests and documentation in form of JS docstrings. Feel free to submit a PR if you feel like it.