
an object oriented model framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smackbone from '';


  ____                       _    _                      
 / ___| _ __ ___   __ _  ___| | _| |__   ___  _ __   ___
 \___ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ __| |/ / '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \
  ___) | | | | | | (_| | (__|   <| |_) | (_) | | | |  __/
 |____/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\_.__/ \___/|_| |_|\___|

An attempt to make a more object oriented model framework.


    npm install smackbone


    smackbone = require("smackbone"); // AMD or CommonJS


Should hold the data (attributes) of the application. When a attribute is changed, it fires a change event and a keyed change event. It has support for transient properties.

set set(attributes, [options]) Sets the attributes according to input.

unset unset(attribute, [options]) Unsets all objects and performs a set with the attributes. See set function.

reset reset(attributes, [options])

get get(attribute) Returns the value of the given attribute.

path path() Returns the relative path for the model.

clone clone() Returns a new but identical object.

toJSON toJSON Returns an object literal containing the attributes.

fetch fetch() Fetches the model from the backend (using one or more Syncers). Triggers a GET request to the server.

save save() Saves the model to the backend. Triggers a POST or PUT request to the server.

destroy destroy() Destroys the model in the backend. Triggers a DELETE request to the server.

    sheep = new smackbone.Model();

    sheep.set("name", "Shaun");
    sheep.set({name: "Shaun", material: "Clay"});



    dolly = sheep.clone();
    dolly.set("name", "Dolly");





An ordered set of models. It fires add and remove events when adding and removing. You can populate it by adding single models, arrays of objects or model hierarchies. It inherits from Model, so all functions available on Model can be called on a Collection.

get get(model|cid|id) Fetches a model from the collection, specified by an id, a cid, or a model.

add add(model) Adds the model to the collection. The key used is the .id attribute if it is present, otherwise the internal .cid attribute.

remove remove(model) Removes the model from the collection.

each each(func) Calls the function for each model stored with set.

contains contains(attribute) Checks if the specified model or id is stored in the collection.

isEmpty isEmpty() Returns true if it doesn't contain any objects.

at at(index) Fetches an object at the given index (in the order that they were set or added).

first first() Returns the first object stored in the model.

last last() Returns the last object stored in the model.

toJSON toJSON() Returns a copy of the stored objects that is useful for serialization (e.g. JSON.stringify).

    collection = new smackbone.Collection();
    model = new smackbone.Model();



    collection.each(function(object) {
        console.log("object:", object);







Use to enable triggering and binding of custom events.

    class EventEmitter extends smackbone.Event
    emitter = new EventEmitter

on on("event", callback) Adds the callback for the specified event. The event string can contain multiple space-separated event names.

off off([event], [callback]) Removes the callback for the specified event. If no callback is specified, then all callbacks for that event is removed. If event isn't specified, all callbacks are removed for this object.

trigger trigger("event"[,args...]) Triggers the callbacks for the specified event.

    emitter.on("event", function(data) {
        console.log("data:", data);


Performs sync to and from the backend. The sync commands are fetch, save and destroy.

cat = new Model({id:42});
var syncer = new Syncer({model: cat});
syncer.urlRoot = "http://some.server:32000/cats";
cat.fetch(); // Fetches the cat with id 42