
tiny icon menu based on material icons and vue mainly created for side crud buttons menu in lists or tree views.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smallIconMenu from '';



tiny icon menu based on material icons and vue mainly created for side crud buttons menu in lists or tree views.


Prop Type Required Default Description
icons array false ['add', 'delete', 'edit'] Any icon from material icon library
labels object false {'add' : 'Add', 'delete' : 'Delete', 'edit' : 'Edit' } key icon name, value label
iconSize string false '16px' Size of icons
height string false 'auto' Height of menu
width string false 'auto' Width of menu
absolute boolean false false Absolute position menu
top string false '0px' Position menu from top
left string false '0px' Position menu form left
border boolean false false Border on/off
column boolean false false Column orientation of icons


Install the package from npm by running:

$ npm i small-icon-menu


Import, register and place the component in your Vue app. Don't forget to include the material icons css ""

  <smalliconmenu :icons="['add', 'delete', 'edit]" @add="emits add event" @delete="emits delete event" @edit="emits edit event"/>
import smalliconmenu from 'smalliconmenu'

export default {
  components: {