
Filter an array of objects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartArrayFilter from '';



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Filter an array of objects


npm install smart-array-filter



const array = [
  { id: 'A', pet: 'dog' },
  { id: 'B', pet: 'cat' },
const filteredData = filter(array, {
  limit: 1,
  keywords: 'Do', // search for any field that contains the "Do" string
  caseSensitive: true,
var array = [
  { id: '1', pet: 'dog' },
  { id: '2', pet: 'cat' },
  { id: '3', pet: 'horse' },
filter(array, {
  keywords: '-pet:cat', // not a cat

filter(array, {
  keywords: '2', // any field has the value 2

filter(array, {
  keywords: '>2', // any field has the value after 2. Strings will be included and letters are after numbers in ascii code

filter(array, {
  keywords: 'id:>=2', // id greater or equal to 2

filter(array, {
  keywords: 'id:1..2', // id between 1 and 2 (including 1 and 2)

If you enter many criteria by default there is a 'AND' combination

var array = [{ animals: ['dog', 'cat'] }, { animals: ['horse', 'cat'] }];
filter(array, {
  keywords: 'animals:cat', // array must contain a cat
filter(array, {
  keywords: 'animals:o', // by default it is include so match dog and horse
filter(array, {
  keywords: 'animals:=o', // must contain exactly a 'o'
var array = [{ a: [{ b: 1 }, { c: 2 }] }, { a: [{ b: 2 }, { d: 2 }] }];
filter(array, {
  keywords: 'a.b:>=1', // 2 consecutive properties (not including array indices)
filter(array, {
  keywords: 'dog:>=1',
  pathAlias: { dog: 'a.b' }, // you can define path alias
filter(array, {
  keywords: 'b:>1', // 2 consecutive properties (not including array indices)
filter(array, {
  keywords: 'd:2', // 2 consecutive properties (not including array indices)
