
Do not repeat yourself! Turn on best practicies in your gulpfile in a few lines

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartBuilder from '';


[Gulp] Smart Builder

Build Status

Stop search for better gulp plugins and update their versions in every project! Turn on best practicies in a few lines with Smart Builder. Do it as short as it possible. But use custom logic where you really need it.


Smart Builder is configuration wrapper for gulp which provide easy declarative configuration based on best practices. Configure your favorite build environment (PostCSS, template engines, webpack, Browserify, babel, etc) just in 3 minutes.

Table of Content


Not described yet.


Just install to your project through npm:

npm install smart-builder --save-dev

Quick Start


  "name": "my-app",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "src/server.js",
  "directories": {
    "source": "src",
    "destination": "dist",
    "public": "dist/assets"


import gulp from 'gulp';
import packageConfig from './package.json';
import SmartBuilder from 'smart-builder';

const builder = new SmartBuilder({
  root: __dirname,
  gulp: gulp,
  // `directories` contains keys "source", "destination" and "public"
  // which present a relative path according root of your project
  directories: packageConfig['directories'],
  // `config` should contain a map with asset (plugin name) as a key  
  // and options for this plugin as a value, see build.config.js
  config: {
    images: true,
    styles: true,
    templates: true,
    webpack: {
      dependencies: ['images', 'styles', 'swf', 'templates'],
      configFile: './webpack.config.js',
      entry: {
        'index': './app-client.js',
        'server': {
          target: 'node',
          file: './app-server.js'
      publicPath: '/assets'


It's a good practice to store your configuration in external file (like webpack.config.js):


import objectAssignDeep from 'object-assign-deep';

const config = {
  images: {
    // Process only changed files (with compare to destination directory)
    // implemented by gulp-changed plugin
    changed: true
  styles: {
    changed: true
  swf: true,
  templates: {
    changed: true
  webpack: {
    // Start only when this assets has been processed
    dependencies: ['images', 'styles', 'swf', 'templates'],
    // Connect external webpack config
    configFile: './webpack.config.js',
    entry: {
      'index': './app-client.js',
      'server': {
        target: 'node',
        file: './app-server.js'
    publicPath: '/assets',
    sourceMaps: 'inline',
    devServer: {
      hotModuleReplacement: true,
      reactHotLoader: true,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 3000
    extractCSSToFile: false,
    longTermCaching: false,
    generateHTML: {
      template: './templates/pages/index.html',
      inject: true
    bowerComponents: true

// Override configuration settings for PRODUCTION environment
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  objectAssignDeep(config, {
    images: {
      changed: false,
      imagemin: true
    styles: {
      changed: false,
      minify: true,
      sourceMaps: 'external'
    templates: {
      changed: false,
      htmlmin: true
    webpack: {
      uglify: true,
      sourceMaps: 'external',
      generateHTML: {
        minify: true

export default config;


Watch mode with webpack-dev-server on MacOS X running with high CPU usage

Try to install fs-events module:

npm install fs-events