This package is for Frontend developer, Here they can use my structure Template also js plugins which are already in this package also if you want you can add your own js plugins with single command with the help of this this plugins you dont's need to place css and js every time in your code
- Can use html Structure template with one command
- Almost plugins are already in package like Slider, Date-picker ,Fullpage-js ,Custome Scroll , smoothscroll , etc...
Usage / example
(1)npm install smart-code
(2) Write command in your command promt scode init demo(Directory Name)
(3) - For add js plugins in your projects(Templates) just go inside the directory cd demo/html
- Write command scode plg reslid
now resposive slider add in your projects(Templates)
(3) Upload Your own js plugins and use it scode upload
Plugin Name :put a name of your plugin (required)
css: put link of css only (optional)
js: put link of js only (required)
detail / url: put some detail about plugin or url of it
script : $(function() {$("selector").plg({....});});
plugin Lists
- -bootstrap (Frontend FrameWork)
- -owl (Responsive Slider)
- -datepicker (Date Piker)
- -reslid (Responsive Slider)
- -validate (Form Validation)
- -isotope (Masonry Effect)
- -ripf (Ripple Effect)
- -mscroll (Styles Scrollbar)
- -rangeSlider (Range Slider)
- -smoothscroll (Smooth Scrolling)
- -fullpage (Full Page)
- -fancyselect (Styles SelectBox)
Shivang Pokar