
For programmatically deploying pre-compiled smart contracts using Truffle

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartContractDeploymentManager from '';



For programmatically deploying an arbitrary number of pre-compiled smart contracts


Import the package to access the Deployer class, which by default supports an OpenZeppelin-based ERC20 token contract, StandardERC20.

  • instantiate a deployer using Deployer(web3Provider, accountAddress, gasLimit)
  • add a contract type to deploy instances of it using deployer.addContract(compiledJSON)
    • compiledJSON must be an undeployed, compiled Truffle artifact, i.e. the output of truffle compile
  • deploy and access a deployed contract instance using const instance = deployer.deploy(contractName, constructorParameters)
    • contractName must be StandardERC20 or the name of a contract added using addContract
  • consult src/deployer.js for additional methods you may want