cut text and add ellipsis/tail without quirks
When using something like substr
and adding ...
you get all kind of quirks and this module handle that quirks
npm install smart-ellipsis
const smartEllipsis = require('smart-ellipsis');
smartEllipsis(text, maxLength);
it will not cut in half
smartEllipsis('hello world', 7) // 'hello...'
it will remove extra . and space
smartEllipsis('hello world. what\'s up?', 12) // 'hello world...'
it will remove extra ,
smartEllipsis('hello world, what\'s up?', 11) // 'hello world...'
it will remove extra \n
smartEllipsis('hello world\n what\'s up?', 11) // 'hello world...'
it will remove extra \r\n
smartEllipsis('hello world\r\n what\'s up?', 11) // 'hello world...'
it will remove extra ?
smartEllipsis('hello world? what\'s up?', 11) // 'hello world...'
it will remove !
smartEllipsis('hello world! what\'s up?', 11) // 'hello world...'