
A tool to mapping data in another format

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartMapper from '';



Smart Mapper is useful when you want transform data that you have received.

The lastest version of this document is available on Github > smart-mapper


npm install smart-mapper --save


yarn add smart-mapper --save

Without installation

<script src=""></script>

References for Nodejs

const SmartMapper = require('smart-mapper');

References in browser

<script src="node_modules/passthrough-object/distrib/passthrough-object.min.js"></script>

<script src="./node_modules/smart-mapper/distrib/smart-mapper.min.js"></script>

How it works

SmartMapper.mapping(template, entryData);


entryData: json data to transform

template: json object contain this structure :
    mappings: json object that contain in keys the destination, and in values the path in   the specific object to extract
    rules: array that contains methods to execute on a particular field during the transformation.
    rules is an optional value in the template object.
    validate: predicate called before insert item, only insert if predicate is true. Optional parameter.
    childrenPropertyName : name of property to map children
    each rule is composed of the "on" , "execute"  and postCondition properties.
    The value of the "on" property is the name of a field in the object mapping.
    The value of the "execute" property is a function that can take up to 4 parameters: (value, item, array, index) where:

value: value extracted from the field value
item: the current object in the table
array: the entire array
index; the position of the current item in the table

the value of the "postCondition" is a function with 1 parameter :(the current transformed key). If the function return false, the transformed key is not insert in the curernt item.


json data tranformed

Notes See examples on GitHub