A collection of language-specific rules for determining the plurality of a number. These rules are designed to help with the localization of your application.
The library is small and simple, minified and gzipped to under 500b.
For example, English has 2 plural forms - 1 is singular, all other values are plural:
var english = Smart.Plurals.getRule('en');
english(0, [ 'singular', 'plural' ]); // returns 'plural'
english(1, [ 'singular', 'plural' ]); // returns 'singular'
english(2, [ 'singular', 'plural' ]); // returns 'plural'
However, many languages have different rules, and some even have 3 or 4 different plural forms. For example, Russian has 3 plural forms - numbers ending with 1 (such as 21, 31, 41) are singular; numbers ending in 2-4 (22, 23, 24) are "few", and all others are plural:
// (TODO: Improve this example with actual Russian words)
var russian = Smart.Plurals.getRule('ru');
russian(91, [ 'singular', 'few', 'plural' ]); // returns 'singular'
russian(94, [ 'singular', 'few', 'plural' ]); // returns 'few'
russian(99, [ 'singular', 'few', 'plural' ]); // returns 'plural'
This library is designed to be tiny, has no dependencies, and should be very easy to integrate into any application.
This library comes in 3 flavors; standalone
, Angular
, and Node
This standalone library exposes the API on the Smart.Plurals
namespace. It has no additional dependencies.
var pluralRule = Smart.Plurals.getRule('en');
Using with Node
This is the same as the standalone build, but exports the entire Smart object.
var Smart = require('smart-plurals');
var pluralRule = Smart.Plurals.getRule('en');
Using with Angular
This build exposes a smart
module with a SmartPlurals
It also includes a plural
angular.module('example', [ 'smart' ]).run(function(SmartPlurals) {
var pluralRule = SmartPlurals.getRule('en');
<span> There {{ value | plural:"is":"are" }} {{ value }} {{ value | plural:"item":"items" }} remaining... </span>
Supported languages:
- Germanic family ** English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Faroese
- Romanic family ** Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bulgarian
- Latin/Greek family ** Greek
- Finno-Ugric family ** Finnish, Estonian
- Semitic family ** Hebrew
- Artificial ** Esperanto
- Finno-Ugric family ** Hungarian
- Turkic/Altaic family ** Turkish
- Slavic family ** Czech, Slovak
- Romanic family ** French, Brazilian Portuguese
- Celtic ** Gaeilge (Irish)
- Baltic family ** Latvian
- Baltic family ** Lithuanian
- Slavic family ** Polish
- Romanic family ** Romanian
- Slavic family ** Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian
- Slavic family ** Slovenian