an easy use api plugin for vue and react.
use npm
$ npm install smartfetch
use in vuejs
install the plugin in main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import smartfetch from 'smartfetch'
/** those code can be import from config file **/
import { Notification } from 'element-ui'; // you can use the ui component you like
const statusMsgs = {
'404': '请求地址不存在',
'500': '服务器维护中,请稍后再试'
const codeMsgs = {
'E001': '未登录'
const useConfig = {
baseConfig: { //baseConfig for all request ,can be an array to set multiple
baseURL: ''
/*baseConfig: [ // key is necessary to switch
key: 'default', // 'default' will be the default baseConfig set
baseURL: 'url1'
key: 'upload'
baseURL: 'url2'
baseData: {}, // the data will append to all request, accept an object or a function
errorHandle: notifyMsg, // the http error handler
statusWarn: statusMsgs, // status warning text map
resCheck: 'success', // the api success check key, can be a function
forceAxios: true, // force to use axios to request, default fetch
dataKey: 'data', // the api data key, default 'data'
codeError: (resjson) => { /* the web system error code handler, you can use api error message or use code switch to message you want */
let {errorCode, errorMsg} = resjson;
let msg = errorMsg || '请求失败';
if (codeMsgs.hasOwnProperty(errorCode)) {
let valType = typeof codeMsgs[errorCode];
if (valType === 'string') {
msg = codeMsgs[errorCode];
} else if(valType === 'function') {
} else {
Vue.use(smartfetch, useConfig);
use in the component
<button :disabled="loading">{loading ? 'sending' : 'send'}</buttom>
data () {
return {
loading: false
mounted() {
this.$fetch({url: 'api/test', data: {user: 'aaa'}})
.lock('loading') // lock the loading before request send and unlock when response back
.done((data) => { /* if the request is success and has no system error, this will run with back data */
// todo
.silence() /* if you api have not deploy on server, you can use silence mode to prevent warn, in this way you can get some functionality online ahead of time ,when api is ok, data will back. */
}) /* if you want do something when error generated, you can use this method */
.notCheckCode() /* if you use this plugin to get some data from others api, and the have different format api, you can use this method, when response back will send to done immediate */
API document
baseConfig: the config will work on all request. you can set baseURL and headers by use this item. receive object or array
for example:
// use object
baseConfig: {
baseURL: '',
headers: {x-token: 'xxxxxxx'}
/* use array, this key in array items is necessary.
** *default* is special, the item with default will be the default config
** you can use the **useCore(key)** method to change config when you want to send a request
baseConfig: [
key: 'default',
baseURL: ''
}, {
key: 'upload',
baseURL: ''
ps: if you want to modify baseConfig after plugin init, you can use "modifyBaseConfigs" method
baseData: the data will merge to all request peyload, receive object or function
for example:
// use object
baseData: {
token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
// use function
baseData: () => {
const token = Math.random();
return {
errorHandle: the handle method for http request error, usually use ui message component to show the error message
for example:
errorHandle: (msg, error) => {
// you can handle the *error* yourself
statusWarn: the http status code message map, you can use this to show different tips of status such as 404, 500
for example:
statusWarn: {
'401': 'xxxx',
'402': 'xxxxxxx'
resCheck: the method to check whether operation success , receive string or function
for example:
// use string, will check response[resCheck] is *true*
resCheck: 'success'
// use function
resCheck: (response) => {
return response.code === 200
dataKey: decide which key will be used to get data when operation success, receive string, default data
forceAxios: force to use axios to request, default use fetch to send it fetch can work
codeError: the method to handle operation faile , receive function
for example:
codeError: (resJson) => {
// to do
you can import this method from smartfetch, the method will make you request more easier
how to use
//// example 1:
const args = request('api/getxxx', {a: 1, b: 2}, 'GET')
//// example 2:
// you can get a url link for download
const linkUrl = request('api/getxxx', {a: 1, b: 2}, 'GET', true)
// linkUrl:
//// example 3:
// if the first argument is object, the method will return a function, you can use the object to switch the baseconfig
const args = request({useCore: 'upload'})('api/getxxx', {a: 1, b: 2}, 'GET')
// request url will use upload baseconfig, such as ''
how to use use class name
import {SmartFetch} from 'smartfetch'
const options = {
// configs
const smartfetch = SmartFetch(options)
in vuejs use Vue.use in main
import smartfetch from 'smartfetch'
const options = {
// configs
Vue.use(smartfetch, options)
list the methods of instance of SmartFetch resetOpts explain: you can use this method to reset options
fetch explain: you can use this method to send a request, the request will send after all sync methods (such as lock) running
how to use
//// example 1:
// if the first argument is object
const args = {
url: 'api/getxxx',
data: {a: 1, b: 2},
method: 'POST')
// or
//// example 2:
// if the first argument is a string , fetch will use *request* to handle arguments
this.$fetch('api/getxxx', {a: 1, b: 2}, 'GET')
//// example 3:
// if the first argument is a function , fetch will put rest arguments to the function, can use with request to make apis more clear
const request1 = function(data) {
return request('api/getxxx', data, 'GET')
this.$fetch(request1, {a: 1, b: 2})
modifyBaseConfigs explain: you can use this method to modify "baseConfig" when you need
how to use
import smartfetch from 'smartfetch'
smartfetch.modifyBaseConfigs(baseConfigs => {
// single config
baseConfigs.headers.token = 'xxx'
// configs array
baseConfigs.forEach(item => {
item.headers.token = 'xxx'
list the methods of the return of fetch function
explain: you can use this method to lock a state/data variable before request send and unlock after response back
how to use
// use in vuejs
data: () {
return {
loading: false
this.$fetch('api/getxxx', data).lock('loading')
// use in react
this.state = {
loading: false
smartfetch.fetch('api/getxxx', data).lock('loading')
params: @key(string): baseconfig key
explain: you can use this method to switch baseconfig
explain: you can use this method to shut down all error handle functions
params: @data(any): data
explain: you can use this method to handle data when operation success
explain: you can use this method to shut down all check process, when you request thirdparty api you can use this , all response object will pass to done function