Console JS client SmartHoldem
CLI client for SmartHoldem blockchain. You can connect to devnet, mainnet or your custom private/public blockchain.
- connect to network or a node,
- get stats of a network,
- create or get status of an account,
- create vanity accounts (multi-cpu supported),
- register a delegate,
- vote for a delegate,
- sign and verify message using your address.
Node v > 8.0
> npm install -g smartholdem-cli
> smartholdem-cli
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smartholdem> help
help [command...] Provides help for a given command.
exit Exits application.
connect <network> Connect to network. Network is devnet or mainnet
connect node <url> Connect to a server. For example "connect node"
disconnect Disconnect from server or network
network stats Get stats from network
account status <address> Get account status
account vote <name> Vote for delegate <name>. Remove previous vote if needed
account unvote Remove previous vote
account send <amount> <address> Send <amount> STH to <address>. <amount> format examples: 10, 10.50, 100
account delegate <username> Register new delegate with <username>
account create Generate a new random cold account
account vanity <string> Generate an address containing lowercased <string> (WARNING you could wait for long)
message sign <message> Sign a message
message verify <message> <publickey> Verify the <message> signed by the owner of <publickey> (you will be prompted to provide the signature)