
A node.js library to connect stuff to the SmartLiving Intnet of Things (IoT) Cloud, soon to be refactored with love and attention...

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartliving from '';


SmartLiving Internet of Things Node.js library, for Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison/Galileo, Web services

Use it to connect your sensors, actuators, apps, services, controllers... Cat, dog, grandmother to the SmartLiving IoT Cloud platform, and interact with any other hardware or front-end you connect using REST, MQTT, STOMP, or AMQP.

For more info' on what you can connect checkout

Quick start example

Get started with the command line sensor app

npm install smartliving
git clone
cd nodejs-client-examples/desktop_demo/cli_sensor
//Create and update your credentials.json file**
node cli_sensor

*Before running the command line sensor you'll need to update a credentials.json file with your own auth tokens and deviceId. Here's how you should go about doing that

  • Create a file in the cli_sensor directory called credentials.json

  • Use the format like so:

  • Create a device over at and open the sidebar to find your unique deviceId, clientId and clientKey

  • Copy and paste your ID's to the correct fields in the credentials.json file you created

  • Save and run the app!

Playing with the examples

There are many examples included that will run on Intel Galileo and Edison, as web services, and other desktop demos.

For more info' checkout Node.js client examples library at Github and the SmartLiving Doc's.

Here's a list of the examples:

  • Intel Galileo & Edison
    • Getting Started with SmartLiving & the Intel IoT XDK
    • Smart doorbell
    • Get warned when your Smartphone is unplugged
    • Sense and interpret light values
    • Smart shop window
    • Motion detector to Android text-to-speech trigger
  • Desktop demos
    • Command line sensor
    • System beep warning actuator
    • OSX Text-to-speech actuator
    • OSX CPU temperature and fan speed sensor

Todo list

  • Update the Raspberry Pi pi-gpio examples
  • Provide better integration of SmartLiving widgets that can be loaded via the Intel XDK
  • Check if the credentials.json exists, if not walk the user through how to get these details eb-styley through the API