
A GraphQL implementation for interacting with EOSIO based smart contract blockchains.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartql from '';


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NPM Package License: MIT

Smart contracts & GraphQL.

A GraphQL implementation for interacting with EOSIO based blockchains.

See a working example of SmartQL.


$ npm i smartql
$ npm i graphql eos-ecc # peer dependencies

If you plan on signing with a 3rd party tool or are just making queries eos-ecc is not needed.


Consider a BigInt polyfill library for safari 13.


function SmartQL

The core function to build and execute a GraphQL request for EOSIO based blockchains.

Parameter Type Description
arg object Argument.
arg.query string GraphQL query string.
arg.operationName object? GraphQL opperation name.
arg.variables object? GraphQL variables.
arg.contracts Array<string> List of accounts that holds smart contracts.
arg.rpc_url string Nodeos endpoint URL.
arg.broadcast bool? Specifies if mutation will return packed transaction or transaction receipt.
arg.private_keys Array<string>? List of EOSIO wif private keys.
extensions object? Extend the GraphQL schema by providing mutations and query fields.
extensions.query_fields object? GraphQL query fields.
extensions.mutation_fields object? GraphQL mutation fields.

Returns: packed_transaction | transaction_receipt — Response from the SmartQL (graphql) query.


Ways to require.

const { SmartQL } = require('smartql')

Ways to import.

import { SmartQL } from 'smartql'

SmartQL query - Get account balance.

 query {
    eosio_token {
         account(arg: { scope: "pur3miish222" }) {
  contracts: ['eosio.token'],
  rpc_url: ''

The logged output was: { "data": { "account": [{ "balance": "… EOS" }] }

SmartQL mutation - Transfer EOS tokens with memo.

mutation {
   actions: {
     transfer: {
       to: eoshackathon,
       from: pur3miish222,
       quantity: "4.6692 EOS",
       memo: "Feigenbaum constant",
       authorization: { actor: pur3miish222 }
 ) {
  query: mutation,
  rpc_url: '',
  contracts: ['eosio.token'],
  private_keys: ['5K7…']

The logged output was "data": { "transfer": { "transaction_id": "855ff441ebfc20d0909f81b97ac41ebe29bffbdf996545439ac79bf2e5f4f4ec" } }

type authorization

The action authorization type for action validation.

Type: object

Property Type Description
actor string Name of the account that is trying to authorize.
permission string Name of the permission of the the actor

type Bandwidth_cost

Bandwidth reciept for EOSIO transaction.

Property Type Description
net_usage_words number Consumption of network bandwidth (bytes).
cpu_usage_us number Consumption of CPU bandwidth (µs).
status Transaction_status Transaction receipt status Enum.

type packed_transaction

The packed transaction type.

Type: object

Property Type Description
chain_id string Hash representing the blockchain.
transaction_header string Hex string representing the serialized transaction header.
transaction_body string Hex string representing the serialized transaction body.

type transaction_receipt

Type: object

Property Type Description
transaction_id string ID of the transaction.
block_num number Block number where teh transaction can be found.
block_time stiring The time of the transaction.
producer_block_id string The block producer ID that processed the transaction.
resource_cost bandwidth_cost Network cost for the transaction.
scheduled bool Scheduled transactions are executed at a later time.

type transaction_status

Type: enum

Property Type Description
executed string succeed, no error handler executed.
soft_fail string objectively failed (not executed), error handler executed.
hard_fail string objectively failed and error handler objectively failed thus no state change.
delayed string transaction delayed/deferred/scheduled for future execution.
expired string transaction expired and storage space refunded to user.