
SmartSurvey API client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartsurveyClient from '';



A simple JavaScript client to the SmartSurvey REST API.


var SmartSurveyClient = require('smartsurvey-client')
var client = new SmartSurveyClient({ apiToken: 'TOKEN', apiTokenSecret: 'SECRET' })

client.getSurveys({ page: 1, pageSize: 25 }, function (err, result) {
  if (err) throw err
  // result:
  // {
  //   data: [],
  //   meta: {
  //     pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 25, returned: 25, total: 31 }
  //   }
  // }


Non HTTP 200 responses to API calls will be returned as an error. If the API provides it, the error message will have a status, message and code property. If not, status will be set to the status code from the request and message will be a generic error message.

RequestError {
  status: 404,
  message: "Survey with id '123' could not be found.",
  code: 'not_found'


Callback results to API methods have a standard structure. They are objects with a data property (the data returned by the API - an array or an object), a meta property (metadata included in the HTTP headers) and a raw response property.

Result {
  data: [...],
  meta: {
    pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 25, returned: 25, total: 31 }
    release: '',
    server: 'Web1'
  response: {...}


Request params are named as per the params documented in the SmartSurvey API docs, however they are renamed from snake_case to camelCase.

All requests take apiToken and apiTokenSecret params, but they can be optionally passed to the constructor where they will automatically be added to each request.


This module is work in progress.

The following API calls have been implemented:

getSurveys([options,] cb)

Fetch a page of surveys.

  • - page to fetch (default 1)
  • options.pageSize - number of items per page (default 10)
  • options.sortBy - field(s) to sort by

getSurvey(surveyId, [options,] cb)

Fetch a single survey.

  • options.detailed - fetch more detailed survey data

getResponses(surveyId, [options,] cb)

Fetch a page of responses.

  • options.completed - 0=Partial, 1=Completed, 2=Both - Return completed responses or partial
  • options.since - return responses that completed no earlier than this date
  • options.until - return responses that completed no later than this date
  • options.filterId - enter the filter report ID you would like to use. Other filters will be ignored
  • options.trackingLinkId - filter by tracking link id
  • options.uniqueId - filter the unique (x) value
  • options.includeLabels - return text of page/question/choice labels, rather than indices only
  • - page to fetch (default 1)
  • options.pageSize - number of items per page (default 10)
  • options.sortBy - field(s) to sort by

getResponse(surveyId, responseId, [options,] cb)

Fetch a single response.

getFolder(folderId, [options,] cb)

Fetch a details on a folder (a way that surveys are collected).


getAll(get, [options,] cb)

  • get - function that retrieves a page of content
  • options.pageSize - size of pages that are retrieved (default 10)
  • options.onPage - called when each page of results is retrieved


var SmartSurveyClient = require('smartsurvey-client')
var getAll = require('smartsurvey-client/get-all')
var client = new SmartSurveyClient({ apiToken: 'TOKEN', apiTokenSecret: 'SECRET' })

// Retrieve a page of surveys
function getPageOfSurveys (page, pageSize, cb) {
  // Merge page and pageSize with your request options
  client.getSurveys({ page: page, pageSize: pageSize }, cb)

// Optional callback for each page
function onPage (result) {
  console.log('Got page number',

// Start fetch all the pages!
getAll(getPageOfSurveys, { pageSize: 10, onPage: onPage }, function (err, result) {
  console.log( // All surveys

A (╯°□°)╯︵TABLEFLIP side project.