
just a little file-watcher-child-process-reloader

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smh from '';


smh because robust Django reloading seems to be hard

Just a little file-watcher-child-process-reloader.


smh can parse TOML, JSON and command line configuration. Command line configuration is augmented and appended (where possible) to the file configuration.

By default, smh tries to look for smh.toml in the current working directory, but you can pass another filename on the command line if you feel like it.

An example TOML file might be

paths = "my_project"
preset = "django"

This will automatically reload a runserver when Python files in my_project change. (You could express this as smh --paths my_project --preset django.)

The same expressed without the preset and with arrays expanded:

paths = ['my_project']
ignores = [
includes = ['/.py$/']
child =  ['python', '', 'runserver', '--noreload']

(You can use --dumpConfig to dump the config after all parsing's said and done.)

Configuration options

  • child: The child command line (either as args array or a string)
  • delay: Delay in msec before restarting the child after changes have occurred.
  • dumpConfig: Dump the configuration to the console at startup.
  • ignores: Patterns (glob or /regexp/) to ignore
  • includes: Patterns (glob or /regexp/) to include (if empty, everything is included)
  • logEvents: Log all the file system events to the console at startup.
  • paths: Paths/globs to watch.
  • preset: A configuration preset (see below).
  • signal: The signal to send to the child to have it quit. Defaults to SIGINT.


  • python: Sane defaults for Python development, ignoring node_modules and bower_components
  • django: As python, with an added child = "python runserver --noreload".