
The Javascript development system

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smild from '';




The Typescript development system

Isomorphic tool to scaffold, build and test frontend/backend projects. Here's what you'll receive with the package:

  • Typescript bundling
  • Live reloading
  • Sass support
  • Multi target builds
  • Minification
  • Source maps
  • BDD support
  • Code coverage
  • Scaffolding
  • NodeJS support


npm install smild -g


To create a project just type: smild new [projectName] --type [frontend|module|nodejs]

Default settings

    projectType: "frontend",
    port: 5000,
    liveReloadPort: 35729,
    distribution: "dist",
    targets: "targets",
    bootstrapperStyles: "",
    watchStyles: [
    test: "test/**/*.ts",
    images: "images",
    assets: "assets",
    autoprefixer: ["last 2 versions", "> 1%"],
    scripts: "scripts/**/*.{ts,tsx}",
    revisionExclude: [],
    nodemon: {},
    uglifyjs: {
        output: {
            "ascii_only": true
    preBuild: VoidHook,
    postBuild: VoidHook,
    typescriptPath: // path to a custom typescript compiler

CLI reference:

$ smild build [target|all]

Bundle the application or the module.

Optional: specify a --release option to enable minification and revisioning.

$ smild watch-build

Runs the build task every time a dependency change is detected with watchify. On a NodeJS project nodemon is used to keep the app rebuilding.

$ smild test

Run tests with Mocha

$ smild coverage

Get projection coverage with nyc


I am using Git Flow.