
A collection of useful Node.js functions and utilities.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smiley from '';


Smiley Library

A collection of useful Node.js functions and utilities.

These are functions I use often but are too simple to have their own package.


zeroPad(string, totalLength) -> String

Zero pad the given number into a string with the given total length.

hexDump(Buffer) -> String

Render the bytes of the given Buffer to a hex-editor-like format.

isUUID(string) -> Boolean

Uses a Regex to test the given string for the UUID format.

iecToDecimal(string) -> Number

Converts an IEC size (e.g. 4.0K) to a full decimal Number (e.g. 4096)

titleCase(string) -> String

Converts a string to Title Case. Hyphens and underscores are converted to spaces.

getNetworkInterfaces() -> Array

Get an array of network interfaces in a different format than the typical os.networkInterfaces(). Makes traversing the interfaces easier.

getExternalIPAddress() -> String

Return an IP address marked as external in os.networkInterfaces(). No guarantees about internet access.

findModuleRoot(moduleName) -> String

Find the root of the given module defined as the first directory above the module's entry point with a package.json file.

debounce(function, waitMS, runImmediate) -> function

Debounce the given function by preventing multiple executions within the given waitMS time. If runImmediate is true, the function will be executed immediately the first time.


$ npm install smiley


$ npm test
