
Standard Microwave Instruction String Format

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smisf from '';


Standard Microwave Instruction String Format (SMISF)


SMISF is a format for encoding microwave instructions into a string.


Because I can


Install smisf:

npm install --save smisf

If you're using CommonJS (default), require smisf:

const smisf = require('smisf');

If you're using ESM, import smisf:

import * as smisf from 'smisf';


const creator = new smisf.Creator();
creator.cook(minutes, seconds, powerLevel); // Add a cook instruction // powerLevel can be either: "HI", Or a multiple of 10 from 00 to 90

creator.change('M'); // Apply a single change // A single letter
creator.change(['U', 'F', 'S']); // Apply multiple changes // Each a single letter

creator.value; // Get string; // Get string and clear, ready for another instruction set
const parse = smisf.parse; // Just a shorthand
parse(string); // Parse an instruction string, returns an array of objects, see <Parsed value types> for object types

Parsed value types:

  type: 'cook',
  powerLevel: 'HI' | number,
  minutes: number,
  seconds: number,
  fullSeconds: number // (minutes * 60) + seconds
} | {
  type: 'change',
  changes: Array<string>


import * as smisf from 'smisf';
import { inspect } from 'util';

const c = new smisf.Creator();
const created = c.cook(1, 0, 'HI').change('F').cook(0, 45, 'HI').do();
const parsed = smisf.parse(created);

console.log(`Created: ${c.cook(1, 0, 'HI').change('F').cook(0, 45, 'HI').do()}`);
console.log(`Parsed: ${inspect(parsed)}`);


Instruction strings should be UTF-8


args can be one/several of the following:
    POWERLEVEL can be either:
      Or a multiple of 10 from 00 to 90

    MINS is a number

    SECONDS is a two digit number in the seconds range, for example:

    OPERATIONS can be multiple "operations" (see Operations section)

Operation suggestions

These are just suggestions, you can implement your own, or not use these at all

M - Mix
S - Stir
F - Flip
C - Cover
U - Uncover


<SMISF=;@C;HI#1:35;@UF;30#0:10> - Cover, 1 minute and 35 seconds on HIGH, Uncover, Flip, 10 seconds on 30. <SMISF=;70#25:00> - Twenty-five minutes on 70

GitHub | NPM

If you have a real use for this package, please DM me on Discord at zt#5963 and tell me why, you really shouldn't have any need for this package.