
Smoke and end-to-end tests for npm

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smokeTests from '';



A place to build up a suite of smoke tests for testing various parts of the npm infrastructure.

You can see the suite of tests defined in .github/workflows in this repository.

If you need to add a package, repeat the pattern you see in the test-packages directory also in this repo. Note the packages are initialized and published at version 0.0.2.

There's a Slack integration (set-up through the Slack Apps within Slack itself). This created a webhook we use to send messages to the #npm-integration-tests channel.

Development and Deployment

Push work to the branch, create a draft PR and watch the tests run on the GitHub Actions UI in this repo. Slack notifications are disabled for anything else than main branch, so nobody will be disturbed by false positives.