The smoking-mqttjs
library is a wrapper of the MQTT.js client that provides the SMOKER specific functions to connect, claim and unclaim topics on a SMOKER instance. See the Docs for detailed specifications that this client implements.
Note that this implementation is based on a fork of MQTT.js as the current version does not fully implement the enhanced authentication specified by the MQTT 5.0 protocol.
npm install smoking-mqttjs --save
Feel free to try out the demo UI which runs this client within a web application.
Initialize a client. Make Sure you are connecting to a running SMOKER instance. Feel free to use wss://
let client: ISmokerMqttClient = new SmokerMqttClientBuilder()
Setup message handler and claim/unclaim topics and publish/subscribe to them:
client.connect(null).then(async (clientId) => {
// event handlers
client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
client.on('connect', async () => {
console.log('Connected with clientId:=' + clientId)
let testTopic = "it/does/work";
// setup a restriction for claiming
let allowAllRestriction = new RestrictionBuilder()
// claim
await client
.catch(reason => {
console.error("Could not claim topic. reason:=" + reason)
// subscribe claimed topic
await client
.catch(reason => {
console.error("Could not subscribe claimed topic. reason:=" + reason)
// publish to claimed topic
await client
.publishClaimed(testTopic, "Publish to my own topic is always allowed!", <IClientPublishOptions>{qos: 1})
.catch(reason => {
console.error("Could not publish to claimed topic. reason:=" + reason)
}).catch(reason => {
console.error("Error connecting to broker. reason:=" + reason)