
Drawing smooth curve easily in a simple way, and what under the hood is also simple.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smoothCurve from '';


Smooth Curve

Drawing smooth curve easily in a simple way, and what under the hood is also simple.


$ yarn add smooth-curve
# or
$ npm install --save smooth-curve


<script src=""></script>


Draw a smooth curve

Input canvas context which you want to draw on and key points

import SmoothCurve from 'smooth-curve'
const ctx = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext("2d");
let curves = [
] => {
  SmoothCurve.draw(ctx, points)


Draw a closed curve

Only need to set closed attribute to true in option parameter.

... => {
  SmoothCurve.draw(ctx, points, { closed: true })


Set custom style

Only need to use style setting syntax before calling draw function.

ctx.lineWidth = 5
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(50, 50, 255)' => {
  SmoothCurve.draw(ctx, points)


Set point's curve attribute

Change point's curve attribute to false and see what happened

let curves = [
] => {
  SmoothCurve.draw(ctx, points)


Use returned Path2D instance

draw() method would return a Path2D instance so you can use it to do some other processing.

let curvePath = SmoothCurve.draw(ctx, points)


draw(context, points, option?)

  • context <CanvasRenderingContext2D>
  • points <CurvePoint[]>
    • CurvePoint <Object>
      • x <number> The x position of point
      • y <number> The y position of point
      • curve <boolean> If set to true, the tension of control points around this point will be 0.5. Otherwise the tension will be 0.
  • option <Object>
    • closed? <boolean> If set to true, the curve will be closed. It means the start and the end point will be connected by extra control points. Defaults to false.
    • tension? <number> This controls all the control points' position by adjusting the distance ratio between key points. The range is [0,1]. Defaults to 0.5.
  • returns: <Path2D | undefined>

getCurveControlPoints(points, option?)

  • points <CurvePoint[]> Same as points in draw() function
  • option <Object> Same as option in draw() function
  • returns: <Point[]>

Under the hood

  • Only use canvas inner APIs to draw quadratic and cubic bezier curves.
  • Use some simple steps to draw smooth curve through all key points.
  • 控制点计算方法中文资料


This simple method is inspired by AGG. The author wrote:

"This method is pure heuristic and empiric. It probably gives a wrong result from the point of view of strict mathematical modeling. But in practice the result is good enough and it requires absolute minimum of calculations. "

Other spline curve related lib using more complicated interpolating method: