
Manage document head data with react-helmet. Provides drop-in server rendering support for Smooth.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smoothPluginReactHelmet from '';



Provides drop-in support for server rendering data added with React Helmet.

React Helmet is a component which lets you control your document head using their React component.

With this plugin, attributes you add in their component, e.g. title, meta attributes, etc. will get added to the static HTML pages Gatsby builds.

This is important not just for site viewers, but also for SEO -- title and description metadata stored in the document head is a key component used by Google in determining placement in search results.


npm install smooth-plugin-react-helmet react-helmet


Edit smooth.config.js:

// smooth.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: ['smooth-plugin-react-helmet'],