
Search google, youtube, google maps, google play store and google translate with this package!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smoothgooglesearch from '';



A simple library to get url's from google, as simple as possible.

Sample code to start with

Use npm install smoothgooglesearch to install the package!

//here we initialise the constants google (which imports the package) and search(which will be used to get url's)
const google = require('smoothgooglesearch')
const search = new google.Search(); 

//here we make a variable called "googleUrl"
let googleUrl ='#textforsearching')
let youtubeUrl ='#textforsearching')
let mapsurl = search.googleMaps('#textforsearching')
//for translateUrl you have to give parameters
 * @params text - Text to translate.
 * @params from - Language to translate from, it will be auto if not specified.
 * @params to - Language to translate to, it will be auto if not specified.
let translateUrl = search.googleTranslate({text : '#textforsearching', from: 'en', to: 'es'})
let googlePlayStoreUrl = search.googlePlayStore('#textforsearching', 'apps') //'#category(`apps` used here) - can be apps, books or movies, if not specified, it will search for all categories.'
let gmailUrl ='inbox') //'#field(`inbox` used here) - gmail field --> inbox, starred, imp, etc.'
console.log(googleUrl, youtubeUrl, mapsurl, translateUrl, googlePlayStoreUrl, gmailUrl)