
An easy to use datastore framework for Node.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smoothstore from '';



An easy to use datastore framework for Node.js.

Why SmoothStore?

SmoothStore is a super lightweight framework, meaning it has no dependencies and it's only composed of one JavaScript source file. It's also cross platform!


npm i smoothstore
# OR
yarn add smoothstore


const { Datastore } = require('smoothstore');

const myDatastore = new Datastore("APPLICATION_NAME", "SCOPE");
let firstLaunch = myDatastore.get("first");

if (!firstLaunch) {
    console.log("Hello, world!");
    myDatastore.set("first", true);
} else
    console.log("Hello again, world!");

Or TypeScript:

import { Datastore } from 'SmoothStore';

const myDatastore: Datastore = new Datastore("APPLICATION_NAME", "SCOPE");
let firstLaunch: boolean | null = myDatastore.get("first");

if (!firstLaunch) {
    console.log("Hello, world!");
    myDatastore.set("first", true);
} else
    console.log("Hello again, world!");


new Datastore(name: string, scope?: string)

Creates and configures a new Datastore object.

Datastore.get(key: string): any

Returns the stored value with the name provided. If it does not already exist, it returns null.

Datastore.set(key: string, value: any): void

Sets a value with the name provided to the value provided.

Datastore.load(): object

Loads the datastore to memory. void

Writes the data stored in memory to a file. Function): void

Watches for changes in the datastore from the current running script. It calls the callback with the key and value that were changed., value) => {

Datastore.getStoreData(): object

Returns the data stored in the datastore's file (converted to an object).