
Sortable as a React component.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smpSortable from '';



Sortableas a React component.


npm i smp-sortable

Usage Example

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import KendoSortable from 'smp-sortable';

//Don't forget CSS, webpack used to include CSS
import 'kendo-ui-core/css/web/kendo.common.core.min.css';
import 'kendo-ui-core/css/web/kendo.default.min.css';

var App = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
      return (
                Drag and Drop buttons in order you want:

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

React Props

Every KUI React Wrapper can make use of the following React props:

  • options
  • methods
  • events
  • unbindEvents
  • triggerEvents

Each is demonstrated below using a <KendoDropDownList> KUI React wrapper.

    //only updates upon state change from above if widget supports setOptions()
    //don't define events here, do it in events prop
    options={{ //nothing new here, object of KUI configuration values
            text: "Item1",
            value: "1"
        }, {
            text: "Item2",
            value: "2"
        }, {
            text: "Item3",
            value: "3"
        dataTextField: "text",
        dataValueField: "value"
    //updates if object is different from initial mount
    methods={{ //name of method and array of arguments to pass to method
        open:[], //send empty array if no arguments
    //Right now, always updates
    events={{ //name of event, and callback
        close:function(){console.log('dropdown closed')},
        select:function(){console.log('item selected')},
        open:function(){console.log('dropdown opened')}
    //updates if array is different from initial mount
    unbindEvents={[ //name of event to unbind, string
    //updates if array is different from initial mount
    triggerEvents={[ //name of event to trigger, string
        <input className="kendoDropDownList" />



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