SMPI IOP for React Native.
See for a general overview.
A React Native app consists of the following "layers":
- A. JS application code.
- B. Host code (iOS/Android)
- C. Guest code (SQLite MPI binary that uses FFI)
The SMPI JS client provides a SQLite API to use in layer A.
- The client is pure JS, and allows you to provide it IOP (Input Output Providers).
- IOPs allow different implementations of sending and receiving data.
- This allows the client to run in any JS environment that can send/receive data.
This repo:
- Is a React Native module.
- Contains the code for layers B and C.
- Is an IOP implementation that is passed to the SMPI JS client constructor.
- Contains SQLite already compiled.
- Compiled as a shared library that is linked to the host in layer B.
- iOS uses a Universal Static Library (single binary that contains all architectures).
- Android chooses the correct JNI binary to use at runtime (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86).
- Compiled as a shared library that is linked to the host in layer B.
License note
The shared library binaries (.so, .a) included in this repo are MIT licensed, but the source code that produced them is closed and proprietary.
A perpetual license for the source code can be arranged for a small fee, please contact