
SDK for SMS Connect on page

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smsBranaNodejsSdk from '';


You can find original SMS Brana documentation here

This SDK is using hash authorization method (password + time + salt)


Send simple SMS

const smsClient = new Client('<your_login>', '<your_passowrd>')

const smsBody = new SmsBody('<target_phone_number>', '<message_text>');

smsClient.sendSms(smsBody).then(res => console.log(res))

You can find more examples here

API Documentation


  • constructor(login, password) - returns Client object, you can get your login and password from

  • object functions:

    • sendSms(smsBody) - returns response from SMS gate, its parameter is instance of SmsBody
    • sendMultipleSms(smsBodyArray) - returns response from SMS gate, its parameter is array of SmsBody instances
    • getCreditStatus() - returns your current credits
    • getAcceptedMessages() - returns answers to your messages


  • constructor(number, message) - returns SmsBody object

    • number - string - target phone number
    • message - string - content of SMS to send without diacritics
  • optional object parameters:

    • when - string - when to send the message (YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS GTM+02:00)
    • delivery_report - 0 or 1 - send email when message has been delivered (default 0)
    • sender_id - string - ID of authorized phone number from where will be sent message
    • sender_phone - string - authorized phone number from where will be sent message
    • user_id - string - your own message identifier for administration purposes
    • data_code - 7bit or ucs2 - message encoding (default 7bit)
    • answer_mail - string - email where will be sent the answer to your message
    • delivery_mail - string - email where to send that the message has been delivered